Chakras of the human body (Part 1): Mooladhara and Svadhisthana

Chakras are basically thought to be energy centres of our body which run down along our spine. The concept of Chakra is believed to have come from early Hindu traditions and also find mention in the early texts of Buddhism.

Chakras are like wheels of energy, and these movement helps release prana (life energy). Chakras, starting from the base of our spine to the crown of our head, are believed to regulate the flow of energy in our body. Through the movement of chakras energy can flow freely though us and we can achieve a state of unison with the cosmic energy which flows through all living beings.

Chakras are considered to be seven in number, basically counted as six plus one, the seventh point not being regarded as a chakra. These energy points exist vertically along the axial channel or Sushumna Nadi or the spine. The basal chakra or the root chakra at the end of the spine is where Kundalini is believed to reside. In Hindu and Buddhist traditions Kundalini is considered as a form of divine feminine energy, the awakening of which helps us experience a heightened state of spiritual awareness.

The first two Chakras starting from the base of the spine are :

  1. Mooladhara or the Root Chakra: Represented by the element of earth and the colour red this chakra is located at the base of the spine, in the tailbone area.

The seed Mantra for this chakra is LAM.

Mooladhara chakra influences the health of bones, lower digestive functions, kidneys, teeth, nails, anus, prostrate, excretory functions and sexual desires. Emotionally, this chakra helps us feel secure and grounded, energetic and vivacious, strong and centered.

A blocked Mooladhara Chakra can lead to anxiety disorders, fear, nightmares, a sense of insecurity and lack of purpose or ambition. Physically, an imbalanced Root Chakra can reflect in diseases of the colon, eating disorders, sciatica, constipation and sleep disorders.

  • Svadhisthana or the Sacral Chakra: Represented by the element of water and the colour orange this chakra is located just below the belly button, at the base of the pubis.

The seed Mantra for this chakra is VAM.

Svadhisthana chakra influences our creativity, desire, pleasure, sexuality, our emotional identity and procreation. The sexual organs, upper digestive organs, liver, stomach, kidneys, adrenal glands and middle of the spine are all governed by this chakra. This chakra gives us a feeling of vitality, compassion and intuitiveness, and is also connected with our sexuality and sense of self-worth.

A blocked or imbalanced Svadhisthana Chakra can lead to lack of creativity, shyness, guilt and irritability. Physically its imbalance can cause poor digestion, low immunity, decreased libido, urinary problems and hormonal imbalance.

Author: Aumtara