I’m Abhay Thhakkar – founder & trainer of Transformative NLP International.

I’m India’s first NLP Trainer to facilitate:
Internationally certified NLP as well New Code NLP training courses that are certified by co-creator of NLP-John Grinder as well as co-developers of New Code NLP- Carmen Bostic and Michael Carroll.

I have facilitated New Code NLP and NLP Trainings in India, Spain and Italy. I facilitate NLP trainings in Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad and Bangalore on a regular basis.I have facilitated New Code NLP & NLP workshops for:

· Corporates such as Varmora, FedEx and Scholastic India.
· Pediatric dentists at DY Patil College.
· Students at VJTI College, Thakur College.
· Staff at SNDT college.
· NGOs such as Khulla Asmaan and Touching Lives.
· Mumbai Police.